Editorial: The Value of New Knowledge

Olle Larkö


Acta Derm Venereol 2020; 100: adv00307

doi: 10.2340/00015555-3686

Dear all,

The present pandemic has clearly shown the value of new knowledge. Also, meetings have changed and become more virtual. There are pros and cons with this. Most of us miss the personal contact during meetings but we also have to face reality. The importance of information channels, such as the Acta Dermato-Venereologica, has increased.

We have 3 new section editors on board the Acta Dermato-Venereologica ship.

 Maria Palmetun Ekbäck is Head of the Pharmacology and Therapeutic department at Örebro University Hospital, Region Örebro County, Örebro, Sweden. She has a special interest in drug reactions, a very common problem for dermato-venereologists. With the development of new effective drugs, the question of adverse effects of drugs is increasing. For the everyday physician, symptoms in the literature are often referred to as rash by non-dermatologists. Furthermore, it is important to reserve adverse reactions for serious conditions in order not to diminish the effects of given medicine.

Maria Palmetun Ekbäck

Veli-Matti Kähäri is professor of Dermatology at University of Turku, and Chief Physician at Department of Dermatology, Turku University Hospital in Turku, Finland. He is a well known researcher in skin tumours and he has studied especially extracellular matrix and matrix metalloproteinases in skin cancer and skin biology. He has written over two hundred papers. Skin cancer is one of the main issues for a dermatovenereologist and new treatment options are presented frequently.

Veli-Matti Kähäri

Claus Zachariae is chairman at the Department of Dermatology and Allergy of  Copenhagen University in Gentofte, Denmark. He is specialized in contact dermatitis, acute dermatology, side-effects to cosmetic treatments and psoriasis. These areas have become increasingly important in medicine as new knowledge has evolved. The economic impact in society for contact dermatitis is substantial.

Claus Zachariae

These 3 new section editors represent different fields in dermato-venereology and it will be very interesting to work with them and develop with the knowledge they add to the journal.

We also have a new, very qualified Editorial Manager of Acta Dermato-Venereologica, Therese Granlund. We are very happy for this recruitment. Therese has worked in academic pub-lishing for over 15 years, primarily in editorial roles but also with marketing. Her focus has always been on medical journals, covering a wide variety of topics, although her own academic background is in business and economics as well as sustainability.

Therese Granlund

Agneta Andersson, who has worked for Acta Dermato-Venereologica since year 1987, will gradually be reducing her role as the Editorial Manager and hand over to Therese. I am, however, happy to say that Agneta will still remain in the Acta Dermato-Venereologica team in other roles for some time also in the future. I would like to express my gratitude to Agneta and for everything she has done over the years to help Acta Dermato-Venereologica develop and thrive.

Agneta Andersson

We hope you enjoy Acta Dermato-Venereologica and we remain, of course, open to suggestions on new topics.