Case report of idiopathic normal pressure hydrocephalus: a challenging diagnosis


  • Lina Van Brabander Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, AZ Glorieux, Ronse, Belgium; Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, UZ Brussel, Jette, Belgium
  • Liesbet Huyghebaert Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, AZ Glorieux, Ronse, Belgium
  • Marie-Sophie Vermoere Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, AZ Glorieux, Ronse, Belgium



idiopathic normal pressure hydrocephalus, ventriculomegaly, triad, gait impairments, gait ataxia, urinary incontinence, cognitive impairment, ventriculoperitoneal shunt, delay in diagnosis, missed diagnosis


Introduction: This report concerns the case of a 70-year-old man with idiopathic normal pressure hydrocephalus (iNPH). The diagnosis in the current case took more than 2 years. iNPH is characterised by ventriculomegaly with a known triad of symptoms: gait disturbance, cognitive impairments and urinary incontinence. Although this is a difficult diagnosis and other conditions must be ruled out, several points in the process could lead to a correct diagnosis. The aim of the report is to identify several reasons why the diagnosis was delayed for such a long time, as well as lessons for the future.

Case: This patient developed several symptoms over time. First, he presented with depressive mood and altered behaviour. He later developed gait difficulties and, finally, urinary incontinence. Multiple consultations and examinations failed to provide an exact explanation for all his symptoms. After 2 years, a new doctor at the hospital started from scratch and recognised the iNPH triad, and the diagnosis was confirmed by the radiologist.

Conclusion: The diagnosis of iNPH is difficult, as symptoms may manifest over time. In this case, the delay of diagnosis exceeded estimations. A broader view through interdisciplinary consultation could provide new insights and lead to earlier diagnosis.


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How to Cite

Van Brabander, L., Huyghebaert, L., & Vermoere, M.-S. (2023). Case report of idiopathic normal pressure hydrocephalus: a challenging diagnosis. Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine - Clinical Communications, 6, jrmcc11631.