A dedicated amputee sports programme improves physical functioning and sports participation





amputees, sports, physical fitness, mobility, participation, sedentary behaviour


Objective: People with a lower-limb amputation often have a sedentary lifestyle and increasing physical activity is important to optimize their health and quality of life. To achieve this the Amputee Parateam programme was developed. Amputee Parateam is a sports programme that addresses important physical, environmental, and social barriers for sports participation. This programme was evaluated in terms of various aspects of physical functioning and health.

Design: Repeated measures design.

Patients: Thirteen participants with a lower-limb amputation, with a median age of 51 (interquartile range (IQR) 40–63).

Methods: Measurements were performed at T0 (baseline), T1 (after 6 weeks) and T2 (follow-up after 12 months). Outcome measures were walking ability, functional mobility, daily activity, health-related quality of life, and adherence to sports at follow-up.

Results: Walking ability and functional ability significantly improved between T0 and T1. Adherence to sports at follow-up was high, with 11/13 participants still practicing sports weekly. There were no significant changes in daily activity or health-related quality of life.

Conclusions: The Amputee Parateam programme successfully improved walking ability and functional mobility and resulted in a high adherence to sports among the participants. However, these improvements in physical capacity did not lead to less sedentary behaviour in daily life.


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How to Cite

van Oorschot, W., Keijsers, N. ., & van Ee, I. R. F. (2023). A dedicated amputee sports programme improves physical functioning and sports participation. Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine - Clinical Communications, 6, jrmcc12392. https://doi.org/10.2340/jrmcc.v6.12392



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