A bionic hand versus a replanted hand
arm amputation, bionic limb, hand prosthesis, hand rehabilitation, hand replantationAbstract
Objective: Evaluation of the hand function affected when replacing a malfunctioning hand by a bionic hand.
Design: Case report.
Subjects: One individual that wished for a better quality of life after unsatisfying hand function following a replantation.
Methods: A quantitative and qualitative evaluation of body functions as well as activity performance and participation before and after a planned amputation and prosthetic fitting is presented.
Results: Improvements were seen in the patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) that were used regarding activity (Disability of the Arm, Shoulder and Hand [DASH] and Canadian Occupational Performance Measure [COPM]), pain (Neuropathic Pain Symptom Inventory [NPSI], Brief Pain Inventory [BPI], Visual Analogue Scale [VAS]), cold intolerance (CISS) and health related quality of life (SF-36), as well as in the standardised grip function test, Southampton Hand Assessment Procedure (SHAP). No referred sensations were seen but the discriminative touch on the forearm was improved. In the qualitative interview, a relief of pain, a lack of cold intolerance, improved appearance, better grip function and overall emotional wellbeing were expressed.
Conclusions: The planned amputation and subsequent fitting and usage of a hand prosthesis were satisfying for the individual with positive effects on activity and participation.
Clinical relevance: When the hand function after a hand replantation does not reach satisfactory levels, a planned amputation and a prosthetic hand can be the right solution.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Ulrika Wijk, Anders Björkman, Ingela K. Carlsson, Freyja Kristiansdottir, Ante Mrkonjic, Birgitta Rosén, Christian Antfolk
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