About the Journal

Clinical oncology cures cancer at a high rate. We strive for more and are on the outlook for insights that can be translated into better care, treatments that are in the forefront and new outcome results.

Nordic signatures
Acta Oncologica is a voice for cancer research from the Nordic region, welcomes international contributions and offers global outreach. We welcome and publish research in cancer epidemiology, prevention, translational oncology, cancer immunology, diagnostics, medical oncology, precision medicine, radiotherapy, radiophysics, survivorship, rehabilitation and palliative care. Our Nordic signatures make us especially interested in population-based data and multidisciplinary and/or cross-border collaborative studies.

Article types
Acta Oncologica is open to submissions in original research format, review articles, short reports, letters to the editor and commentaries.

Review process
Acta Oncologica is powered by peers in oncology. Our editorial team consists of 11 well-renewed clinician scientists who are committed to timely reviews and fair decisions. We aim for a thorough evaluation, helpful critical reviews with constructive advice and an efficient peer-review process.

Acta Oncologica symposia
Acta Oncologica also supports scientific communication through cancer research symposia, e.g. the biennial ECRS symposia in rehabilitation medicine, the BIGART symposia in radiotherapy and radiophysics and the Nordic Precision Medicine symposium. These symposia typically lead to special article collections based on selected scientific symposia contributions.

Archiving and author Self-archiving
Articles published in Acta Oncologica are permanently stored in full text in CLOCKSS and the journal is also part of the Public Knowledge Preservation Network for purposes of preservation and restoration. In addition, authors are permitted and encouraged to post their articles on personal and institutional websites after publication (while providing full bibliographic details and a link to the original publication).