Anxiety, Depression and Worry in Gastrointestinal Cancer Patients Attending Medical Follow-Up Control Visits


  • Karin Nordin Department of Oncology, Centre for Caring Sciences, Uppsala University, Sweden
  • Bengt Glimelius Department of Oncology, Centre for Caring Sciences, Uppsala University, Sweden
  • Lars Påhlman Department of Surgery, Centre for Caring Sciences, Uppsala University, Sweden
  • Per-Olow Sjödén Centre for Caring Sciences, Uppsala University, Sweden



Anxiety, depression and worry were assessed in 141 consecutive gastrointestinal cancer patients scheduled for follow-up control visits. Participants completed two questionnaires, one including the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HAD) in conjunction with the visit and one completed after. The overall levels of anxiety before, during and after the visit were low. There were no differences between those who were considered cured and those who were not. Anxiety levels after the visit were higher for those patients for whom less than one year had passed since diagnosis. Mean HAD scores for anxiety and depression were 4.2 and 4.3 respectively. Women reported a higher degree of anxiety than men. Using a score of 8 or more for ‘borderline-possible cases’, 15% fell into these categories on the anxiety scale and 12% on the depression scale. About 30% of the patients worried about seeing a new physician and 25% about what the examination or tests would show. It is concluded that regular, scheduled control visits pose a significant threat to the psychological well-being of only a minority of gastrointestinal cancer patients.


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How to Cite

Nordin, K., Glimelius, B., Påhlman, L., & Sjödén, P.-O. (1996). Anxiety, Depression and Worry in Gastrointestinal Cancer Patients Attending Medical Follow-Up Control Visits. Acta Oncologica, 35(4), 411–416.