Quality assessment of the registration of vulvar and vaginal premalignant lesions at the Cancer Registry of Norway


  • Espen Enerly Cancer Registry of Norway, Oslo University Hospital, Post Box 5313 Majorstuen, 0304 Oslo, Norway
  • Freddie Bray Cancer Registry of Norway, Oslo University Hospital, Post Box 5313 Majorstuen, 0304 Oslo, Norway; Section of Cancer Information, International Agency for Research on Cancer, Lyon, France
  • Christine Mellem Cancer Registry of Norway, Oslo University Hospital, Post Box 5313 Majorstuen, 0304 Oslo, Norway
  • Bo Terning Hansen Cancer Registry of Norway, Oslo University Hospital, Post Box 5313 Majorstuen, 0304 Oslo, Norway
  • Grete Kjølberg Cancer Registry of Norway, Oslo University Hospital, Post Box 5313 Majorstuen, 0304 Oslo, Norway
  • Tove Dahl Cancer Registry of Norway, Oslo University Hospital, Post Box 5313 Majorstuen, 0304 Oslo, Norway
  • Tom Børge Johannesen Cancer Registry of Norway, Oslo University Hospital, Post Box 5313 Majorstuen, 0304 Oslo, Norway
  • Mari Nygård Cancer Registry of Norway, Oslo University Hospital, Post Box 5313 Majorstuen, 0304 Oslo, Norway




Background. A crucial factor concerning the utility of Cancer Registries is the data quality with respect to comparability, completeness, validity and timeliness. However, the data quality of the registration of premalignant lesions has rarely been addressed. High grade vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia (VIN) and vaginal intraepithelial neoplasia (VaIN) are premalignant lesions which may develop into cancer, and are often associated with infection with the human papillomarvirus (HPV). The aim was to evaluate the quality of registration of VIN and VaIN at the Cancer Registry of Norway (CRN). Material and methods. We re-collected all notifications with high grade VIN and VaIN diagnoses during 2002 to 2007 from pathology laboratories, and compared these to the data in the CRN database so as to quantitatively measure the completeness, validity and timeliness of the data. Results. Over the period 2002 to 2007 we estimated the completeness of the 1556 VIN and 297 VaIN notifications to be 95.0% and 92.9%, respectively. The original and reabstracted topography codes showed major discrepancies for 12 of 642 (1.9%) VIN and 7 of 128 (5.5%) VaIN notifications. The original and reabstracted morphology codes for VIN and VaIN were identical for 724 out of 814 notifications. Sixteen notifications had a major discrepancy. For the period 2002 to 2007 the median time elapsed between date of diagnosis and date of registration were 436 and 441 days for VIN and VaIN cases, respectively. Discussion. Based on the present analysis of the comparability, completeness, validity and timeliness of premalignant lesions of vulva and vagina, we conclude that the Cancer Registry of Norway is able to monitor such premalignant lesions satisfactorily.


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How to Cite

Enerly, E., Bray, F., Mellem, C., Terning Hansen, B., Kjølberg, G., Dahl, T., … Nygård, M. (2012). Quality assessment of the registration of vulvar and vaginal premalignant lesions at the Cancer Registry of Norway. Acta Oncologica, 51(1), 45–50. https://doi.org/10.3109/0284186X.2011.624545