In Vivo Dosimetry with TLD in Conservative Treatment of Breast Cancer Patients Treated with the EORTC Protocol 22881


  • Han P. Hamers Department of Radiotherapy, Dr B. Verbeeten Institute, Tilburg, The Netherlands
  • Karlaxel Johansson Radiation Physics Department, Sahlgren Hospital, Göteborg, Sweden
  • Jack L. M. Venselaar Department of Radiotherapy, Dr B. Verbeeten Institute, Tilburg, The Netherlands
  • Peter de Brouwer Department of Radiotherapy, Dr B. Verbeeten Institute, Tilburg, The Netherlands
  • Ulla Hansson Radiation Physics Department, Sahlgren Hospital, Göteborg, Sweden
  • Charlotte Moudi Radiation Physics Department, Sahlgren Hospital, Göteborg, Sweden



Two anthropomorphic phantom breasts and six patients with breast carcinoma were irradiated according the prescriptions of the EORTC protocol 22881 on the conservative management of breast carcinoma by tumorectomy and radiotherapy. During the implantation procedure for an iridium-192 boost, three tubes were implanted, enabling the measurement with TLD rods of the dose within the breasts of the phantom and the patients during one fraction of the external x-ray therapy and during the interstitial therapy. Measured doses were compared with calculated values from a 2-D dose planning system. In general a fair agreement was found between the measured and calculated doses in points within the breast for the external beam therapy as well as for the interstitial treatment.


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How to Cite

Hamers, H. P., Johansson, K., Venselaar, J. L. M., de Brouwer, P. ., Hansson, U. ., & Moudi, C. (1993). In Vivo Dosimetry with TLD in Conservative Treatment of Breast Cancer Patients Treated with the EORTC Protocol 22881. Acta Oncologica, 32(4), 435–443.