Soft Tissue Sarcomas in Iceland 1955-1988 Analysis of Survival and Prognostic Factors


  • G. Baldursson Department of Oncology, University Hospital of Iceland, Department of Pathology, University of Iceland, and the Cancer Registry, Reykjavik, Iceland
  • B. A. Agnarsson Department of Oncology, University Hospital of Iceland, Department of Pathology, University of Iceland, and the Cancer Registry, Reykjavik, Iceland
  • K. R. Benediktsdottir Department of Oncology, University Hospital of Iceland, Department of Pathology, University of Iceland, and the Cancer Registry, Reykjavik, Iceland
  • J. Hrafnkelsson Department of Oncology, University Hospital of Iceland, Department of Pathology, University of Iceland, and the Cancer Registry, Reykjavik, Iceland



Soft tissue sarcomas, incidence, histopathology, prognostic factors, Iceland


from 1955 to 1988 a total of 129 cases (69 males and 60 females) of soft tissue sarcomas were diagnosed in Iceland, four at autopsy. the median age was 55 years (0-91). All the cases have been reviewed clinically and histopathologically and graded on both a three- and a four-point scale. the average age-standardized incidence was 1.8/100 000 for males and 1.6 for females. the tumour was most often localized in the thigh and retroperitoneal space. the most common histologic subtypes were malignant fibrous histiocytoma (22,5%), liposarcoma (18,6%) and leiomyosarcoma (16, 3%). the 5- and 10-year survival rates (n = 125) were 38% and 29% respectively. Cox's multivariate analysis was performed on the following prognostic factors: age, sex, tumour localization, histopathologic subtype, tumour size, malignancy grade and year of diagnosis. the strongest prognostic factor was malignancy grade (IV vs I; p < 0.001 and RR = 5.35 and III vs I; p = 0.017 and RR = 2.01) followed by tumour size (pT2 vs pT1; p<0.001 and RR = 3.09 and pT3 vs pT1; p = 0.002 and RR = 3.40) and year of diagnosis (p = 0.003 and RR=0.96; corresponding to a 54% reduction in mortality risk during a 20-year period).


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How to Cite

Baldursson, G., Agnarsson, B. A., Benediktsdottir, K. R., & Hrafnkelsson, J. (1991). Soft Tissue Sarcomas in Iceland 1955-1988 Analysis of Survival and Prognostic Factors. Acta Oncologica, 30(5), 563–568.