Home self-testing of complete blood counts in patients with breast cancer during chemotherapy: A proof-of-concept cohort study in e-oncology
Home self-testing, complete blood count, point of care technology, breast cancer, self-monitoring, patient empowerment, patient educationAbstract
Background: Before administration of myelosuppressive chemotherapy, complete blood counts (CBC) collected at the hospital/nursing stations are evaluated to avoid severe bone marrow suppression. This maintains disease fixation which often reduces their quality of life. This mixed-method study examined at home self-testing of CBC, the test quality, and the effects on patients’ mental well-being.
Methods: Patients with breast cancer receiving chemotherapy were recruited and trained to perform capillary finger prick CBC testing at home using the HemoScreen Point-of-Care instrument and to upload the test results to the hospital’s IT system subsequently. A venous reference CBC sample was taken and tested at the hospital on the day of self-testing. Semi-structured interviews with open-ended components were performed to investigate the user experience and the impact of self-testing on the patients’ everyday lives.
Results: Thirty-nine patients completed the self-testing education using the HemoScreen instrument. Eight patients withdrew, while the remaining 31 patients performed 161 home tests (2–11 tests per patient) over a 4-month period. The test results compared well with the venous reference CBCs except for platelet counts (correlation coefficient 0.26). Qualitative interviews with nine of the 31 patients emphasized that the patients were comfortable using the self-testing instrument and becoming an active partner in their own treatment.
Interpretation: CBC self-testing at home produced clinically valid hemoglobin and white blood cell counts with the added benefit that the patients became active partners in their own treatment course, which was of great importance for the patients and increased their wellbeing.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Lennart Friis-Hansen, Pippi Jonassen Bjørck, Ditte Hartvig, Susanne Andresen, Berit Hulehøj Nielsen, Christina Hansen, Anne Nistrup, Keld Hundewadt, Niels Henrik Holländer
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