Prevalence of autoimmune disorders among bladder pain syndrome patients’ relatives


  • Minna M. Kujala
  • Teuvo L. Tammela
  • Antti Pöyhönen
  • Tapio Forsell
  • Susanna Pasanen
  • Ilkka Paananen
  • Antero Horte
  • Mikael Leppilahti
  • Jukka Sairanen



Abstract Purpose Possible genetic background and autoimmune etiology of Bladder Pain Syndrome (BPS, formerly Interstitial Cystitis, IC) has been suggested. We studied whether familial clustering of BPS, other autoimmune diseases or fibromyalgia exist among BPS patients’ genetically close relatives; possibly reflecting some common predisposing genetic background of these diseases. Materials and methods Altogether 420 first- or second-degree relatives of 94 BPS patients fulfilling the NIDDK criteria were asked to fill in a survey on the self-reported diagnosis of urinary tract diseases, fibromyalgia and 23 autoimmune diseases, together with filling the O’Leary–Sant symptom score. The ones with high symptom scores were interviewed and, if necessary, referred to a further clinical consultation. The prevalence of other diseases was compared to previously published prevalence percentages. Results 334 (80%) of 420 family members returned the questionnaire. Only one of the relatives fulfilled the NIDDK criteria, and one sibling pair among the original BPS patients was found. Asthma, ulcerative colitis, fibromyalgia, iritis and rheumatoid arthritis were more common in the study population than in the reference populations. The reported prevalence of atopic dermatitis and rhinoconjunctivitis causing allergies were lower. In addition, the results show that the O’Leary–Sant symptom score is not reliable in screening for new BPS cases. Conclusions Our study suggests that in BPS patients’ families, fibromyalgia and autoimmune diseases including asthma, and especially the non-allergic form of asthma, may be over-represented.


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How to Cite

Kujala, M. M., Tammela, T. L., Pöyhönen, A., Forsell, T., Pasanen, S., Paananen, I., … Sairanen, J. (2021). Prevalence of autoimmune disorders among bladder pain syndrome patients’ relatives. Scandinavian Journal of Urology, 55(1), 72–77.


