Scandinavian Journal of Urology (SJU) is an international, non-profit Open Access online scientific journal. SJU aims to be a forum for clinical urologists, publishing high-quality original urological research. Contributions from all parts of the world are welcome. The journal is owned by the Acta Chirurgica Scandinavica Society.
Peer Review process
All submitted manuscripts undergo an initial assessment by an editor to determine their suitability for peer review.
Manuscripts found suitable for further review after initial evaluation from the Editor-in-Chief and Co-editors will be forwarded to external experts, who will continue the assessment and review process of the manuscipt.
Scandinavian Journal of Urology (SJU) uses single-anonymous review (also called single-blind peer review). This means that the reviewers’ names are not disclosed to the author, but the reviewer can see who the author is.
The review process is expected to be completed in 6 to 8 weeks, although this timeframe may vary.
Following the review, the associate editor in charge of the manuscript makes a recommendation to a) accept the manuscript for publication, b) request the author to make revisions categorized as either minor or major, or c) reject the manuscript.
Editorial Policy
The final decision for publication is made by the journal's Editor-in-Chief, who has the support of a qualified Editorial Board for various matters related to individual manuscript publication, journal development, and more.
In cases where an author of a manuscript has any association with the editorial team, they will be excluded from all editorial tasks for that particular article. An independent editor will be assigned the responsibility of managing the peer-review process. The author's affiliation with the journal will also be disclosed in the final publication of the article.
The journal accepts manuscripts that have been previously shared for review as preliminary versions on personal websites, presented at conferences, or made available through other informal communication channels. However, authors must retain copyright for the text in question. Additionally, authors are encouraged, if possible, to include links to previous versions of the article in the final version published in the journal.
The journal does not accept duplicate publication, also referred to as "redundant publication" or "dual publication," without special permission. This pertains to publishing the same article in more than one journal or publishing a document substantially similar to one already published without acknowledging the original publication. If unauthorized "redundant publication" or "dual publication" is detected, the journal will adhere to the COPE guidelines ( in addressing the transgression.