Completeness and accuracy of the registration of recurrences in the Swedish Colorectal Cancer Registry (SCRCR) and an update of recurrence risk in colon cancer


  • Erik Osterman Department of Immunology, Genetics and Pathology, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden; Department of Surgery, Region Gävleborg, Gävle Hospital, Gävle, Sweden
  • Klara Hammarström Department of Immunology, Genetics and Pathology, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden
  • Israa Imam Department of Immunology, Genetics and Pathology, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden
  • Emerik Osterlund Department of Immunology, Genetics and Pathology, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden
  • Tobias Sjöblom Department of Immunology, Genetics and Pathology, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden
  • Bengt Glimelius Department of Immunology, Genetics and Pathology, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden



Colorectal cancer, colon cancer, validation, registry, recurrence risk, synchronous metastasis



The completeness and accuracy of the registration of synchronous metastases and recurrences in the Swedish Colorectal Cancer Registry has not been investigated. Knowing how accurate these parameters are in the registry is a prerequisite to adequately measure the current recurrence risk.


All charts for patients diagnosed with stage I–III colorectal cancer (CRC) in two regions were reviewed. In one of the regions, all registrations of synchronous metastases were similarly investigated. After the database had been corrected, recurrence risk in colon cancer was calculated stratified by risk group as suggested by ESMO in 2020.


In patients operated upon more than five years ago (N = 1235), there were 20 (1.6%) recurrences not reported. In more recent patients, more recurrences were unreported (4.0%). Few synchronous metastases were wrongly registered (3.6%) and, likewise, few synchronous metastases were not registered (about 1%). The five-year recurrence risk in stage II was 6% for low-risk, 11% for intermediate risk, and 23% for high-risk colon cancer patients. In stage III, it was 25% in low- and 45% in high-risk patients. Incorporation of risk factors in stage III modified the risks substantially even if this is not considered by ESMO. Adjuvant chemotherapy lowered the risk in stage III but not to any relevant extent in stage II.


The registration of recurrences in the registry after 5 years is accurate to between 1 and 2% but less accurate earlier. A small number of unreported recurrences and falsely reported recurrences were discovered in the chart review. The recurrence risk in this validated and updated patient series matches what has been recently reported, except for the risk of recurrence in stage II low risk colon cancers which seem to be even a few percentage points lower (6 vs. 9%).


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How to Cite

Osterman, E. ., Hammarström, K. ., Imam, I. ., Osterlund, E. ., Sjöblom, T. ., & Glimelius, B. . (2021). Completeness and accuracy of the registration of recurrences in the Swedish Colorectal Cancer Registry (SCRCR) and an update of recurrence risk in colon cancer. Acta Oncologica, 60(7), 842–849.