Adaptive devices in young people with upper limb reduction deficiencies: Use and satisfaction.


  • Ecaterina Vasluian
  • Iris van Wijk
  • Pieter U. Dijkstra
  • Heleen A. Reinders-Messelink
  • Corry K. van der Sluis



physical and rehabilitation medicine, self-help devices, assistive devices, assistive technology, orthotic devices, prosthesis, upper extremity deformities, congenital.


OBJECTIVE: To evaluate use of, satisfaction with, and social adjustment with adaptive devices compared with prostheses in young people with upper limb reduction deficiencies. METHODS: Cross-sectional study of 218 young people with upper limb reduction deficiencies (age range 2-20 years) and their parents. A questionnaire was used to evaluate participants' characteristics, difficulties encountered, and preferred solutions for activities, use satisfaction, and social adjustment with adaptive devices vs prostheses. The Quebec User Evaluation of Satisfaction with assistive Technology and a subscale of Trinity Amputation and Prosthesis Experience Scales were used. RESULTS: Of 218 participants, 58% were boys, 87% had transversal upper limb reduction deficiencies, 76% with past/present use of adaptive devices and 37% with past/present use of prostheses. Young people (> 50%) had difficulties in performing activities. Of 360 adaptive devices, 43% were used for self-care (using cutlery), 28% for mobility (riding a bicycle) and 5% for leisure activities. Prostheses were used for self-care (4%), mobility (9%), communication (3%), recreation and leisure (6%) and work/employment (4%). The preferred solution for difficult activities was using unaffected and affected arms/hands and other body parts (> 60%), adaptive devices (< 48%) and prostheses (< 9%). Satisfaction and social adjustment with adaptive devices were greater than with prostheses (p < 0.05). CONCLUSION: Young people with upper limb reduction deficiencies are satisfied and socially well-adjusted with adaptive devices. Adaptive devices are good alternatives to prostheses.


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How to Cite

Vasluian, E., van Wijk, I., Dijkstra, P. U., Reinders-Messelink, H. A., & van der Sluis, C. K. (2014). Adaptive devices in young people with upper limb reduction deficiencies: Use and satisfaction. Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine, 47(4), 346–355.



Original Report