Effect of neck-specific exercises with and without internet support on cervical range of motion and neck muscle endurance in chronic whiplash-associated disorders: analysis of functional outcomes of a randomized controlled trial
telemedicine, rehabilitation, whiplash injuries, neck pain, spineAbstract
Objective: To compare the effects of a neck-specific exercise programme with internet support and 4 physiotherapist sessions (NSEIT) and the same neck-specific exercises supervised by a physiotherapist (NSE) on neck muscle endurance and cervical range of motion.
Design: Randomized controlled trial.
Patients: A total of 140 participants with chronic whiplash-associated disorders grade II or grade III were randomly assigned to the NSEIT or NSE groups.
Methods: Outcomes were changes in active cervical range of motion, cranio-cervical flexion test, neck muscle endurance, and neck pain, at 3- and 15-month follow-ups.
Results: There were no significant differences between the NSEIT and NSE groups. There was a significant group-by-time inter-action effect in active cervical range of motion flexion/extension where the NSEIT group improved to 3-month follow-up, but the NSE group did not. Both groups were significantly improved over time in all other outcomes (p < 0.001) at 3- and 15-month follow-ups, with effect size between 0.64 and 1.35 in active cervical range of motion, cranio-cervical flexion test, dorsal neck muscle endurance, and neck pain, and effect size between 0.22 and 0.42 in ventral neck muscle endurance.
Conclusion: Both NSE and NSEIT led to improved neck function. Depending on the patients’ needs, either NSE or NSEIT could be used as treatment for patients with chronic whiplash-associated disorders.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Gunnel Peterson, Emma Nilsing Strid, Margaretha Jönsson, Jesper Hävermark, Anneli Peolsson
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