About the Journal

Acta Odontologica Scandinavica publishes papers within its scope, aiming to communicate novel knowledge in all fields of oral health and oral disease sciences, except dental biomaterials, which are referred to Biomaterial Investigations in Dentistry.

Original research papers and Critical State-of-the-Art Reviews pertinent to the diagnosis, epidemiology, health services, prevention, etiology, pathogenesis, pathology, physiology, microbiology, development, and treatment of diseases affecting tissues of the oral cavity and associated structures will be considered for publication. Preference is given to analytical studies rooted in hypotheses. Papers investigating cause-and-effect or explanatory/associative relationships in experimental or observational studies are also favored, while simple descriptive studies receive a lower priority for publication. Short Communications and Letters to the Editor will also be eligible for publication. Case Reports will not be accepted.

All manuscripts reporting significant scientific advancements within the journal's scope undergo review by an international panel of referees.