Journal Information

Journal title:  Acta Odontologica Scandinavica  

ISSN (Print): 0001-6357

ISSN (Online): 1502-3850

Editor-in-chief: Palle Holmstrup, Professor em, DrOdont, OdontDr (hc), PhD, DDS, Section for Oral Biology and Immunopathology, University of Copenhagen, Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, Department of Odontology, University of Copenhagen, Denmark.

Editor-in-chief’s email address:

Publisher: MJS Publishing, c/o Medical Journals Sweden AB, Kungsängsvägen 27, SE-753 23 Uppsala, Sweden

Publisher’s organization number: 559296-5023

Publisher contact's email addresses:

Journal owner: Acta Odontologica Scandinavica Society (AOSS)

Publication fees/Article processing charges (APCs): Please see Publication fees under Instructions to Authors.

License:  Creative Commons CC-BY 4.0 

Copyright: Starting with volume 83, issue 1 (2024), authors retain copyright of their work, granting first publication rights to the Acta Odontologica ScandinavicaSee each article's landing page for license and copyright information.

Publication frequency: One issue per year constitutes the annual volume, Articles are published on a continuous publication basis. Supplements and special article collections can be published separately.