Less fillings - cheaper dental care?: A longitudinal investigation of the treatment profile during 10 years organized child dental care


  • Dorthe Holst Institute of Community Dentistry, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway
  • Odd Brembo Institute of Community Dentistry, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway


Community dentistryoperative dentistrycosts


Little attention has been paid to the cost savings of reducing the number of filled surfaces in an ongoing dental program for children. The purpose of the present investigation was to analyze how projected reductions in filled surfaces affect costs. Records from 173 pupils leaving ninth grade in Lier District were collected and all treatments through 10 years were registered. Applying time-estimates provided through a separate investigation and the estimated costs of the public dental service in the district to the treatment profile, total time and cost investment were calculated. Of the total treatment time per person 41 per cent was used for fillings. The cost saving of a planned 30 and 50 per cent reduction is estimated. It is suggested that substantial savings may be obtained rather from changes in the structure of an organized program than from preventive efforts.


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