Factors of importance to maintaining regular dental care after a behavioural intervention for adults with dental fear: a qualitative study


  • Majlis Morhed Hultvall Hospital Dentistry, Public Dental Health, Uppsala County Council, Uppsala, Sweden
  • Jesper Lundgren Department of Psychology, University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg, Sweden
  • Pia Gabre Hospital Dentistry, Public Dental Health, Uppsala County Council, Uppsala, Sweden; Department of Cariology, Institute of Odontology, The Sahlgrenska Academy, University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg, Sweden




Behavioural therapy, confidence, dental fear, finances, self-efficacy


Objective. Dental phobia is prevalent in the general population and can be successfully treated through cognitive behavioural therapy, which results in patients being able to cope with dental treatments. The aim of this study was to increase the understanding of factors of importance for maintaining regular dental care after completion of a cognitive behavioural therapy programme. Material and methods. A qualitative study design was used. Fourteen individuals who had successfully completed the programme and had thereafter been referred to a general dental practitioner were interviewed. An interview guide with open-ended questions was used. The interviews were tape-recorded and transcribed verbatim. The texts were analysed using descriptive and qualitative content analysis (Grounded Theory). Results. The manifest analysis identified four content areas: experience of dental care, content of the behavioural therapy programme, perception of therapy and impact on quality of life. The latent analysis identified influence on quality of life, security, activity and barriers to dental care as categories. Although all informants had successfully completed the dental fear treatment programme, only a few stated that they had an uncomplicated relation to dental care afterwards. Barriers to dental care were lack of money and fear. A sense of security was conclusive to coping with dental care, and a respectful approach on the part of the dental care personnel was essential to development of this sense. Conclusions. Confidence in one's own ability to cope with dental care and the right to guide the treatment were important. Thus the theme in the present study was self-efficacy and respectful dental care personnel.


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