Identification of caries-active individuals in longitudinal data a methodological study using a national registry




Caries experience, caries prevention, dental care plan, disease progression, epidemiology


Objective: The aim was to identify caries active individuals among adults by using a trajectory model of longitudinal data from the Swedish national registry (SKaPa) and comparing them with published data from the Dunedin cohort.

Materials and methods: Data from two different age groups (30- and 40-year-olds) followed for 10 years were retrieved from SKaPa and were compared with published longitudinal birth-cohort data from the Dunedin study. Using the trajectory model, the subjects were divided into three different trajectories according to their caries development over time (i.e. high, 15%; moderate, 45%; low, 40%).

Results: Caries experience, as measured by mean decayed, missing, and filled surfaces (DMFS) index, revealed significant differences among the three trajectories in both age groups. The patterns were similar to those observed in the Dunedin cohort. The mean increase in DMFS during the 10-year follow-up period from SKaPa was significantly higher for the high trajectories in both age groups compared with the moderate and low trajectories.

Conclusions: The method using three trajectories for presentation of caries experience over time, may be a useful tool to identify subjects with different disease activities. Identification of subjects in the high caries experience trajectory may increase the possibility to explore and evaluate more effective caries prevention for this group in the future. 


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