Assessing position changes of impacted third molars in treatment of class II malocclusion with premolars extraction


  • Hatice Gokalp Department of Orthodontics, Faculty of Dentistry, Ankara University, Ankara, Turkey
  • Murat Kaan Erdem Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Faculty of Dentistry, Lokman Hekim University, Ankara, Turkey



Class II malocclusion, moderate anchorage, orthodontic therapy with extraction, third molar impaction


Introduction: Third molars (M3) remaining impacted in Class II malocclusion characterised with sagittal mandibular deficiency is a high probability. The null hypothesis of this study is that mesioangular M3s changes position through the eruption way in Class II malocclusion treatment requiring moderate anchorage with four first premolars extraction. The aim of this study is to reconsider the decision to surgically extract impacted third molars in four premolars extraction treatment of Class II malocclusion.

Material and Methods: The materials consisted of the pre-treatment and post-treatment lateral cephalograms and orthopantomographs of 30 individuals with skeletal and dental Class II malocclusion with a mean chronological age of 13.48 years, who were treated by the same clinician (H.G.) with four first premolar extractions via the straight wire technique at the Ankara University Faculty of Dentistry Department of Orthodontics, Ankara, Turkey. The sagittal position of the upper and lower incisors and molars, Mposition and Mspace were evaluated with the paired-t test; the relationship between the sagittal position of the upper and lower incisors and molars and the change in Mposition were evaluated with correlation analysis. 

Results: The study found the retroclination and mesial movement of the upper incisors and molars, and an increase in the Mspace by the fixed orthodontic treatment. An insignificant steepening of both the upper right Mposition and the lower right Mposition was found. A statistically significant increase in the lower right and left side Mspaces was found. Positive correlations between lower right Mangulation and the sagittal position of the lower incisors and first molars were found.

Conclusion: Improvement in the mesioangulation of the M3s and an increase in the M3 space were achieved in this study. Based on the findings, it is useful to review the decision for prophylactic surgical extraction of the M3s before orthodontic treatment in such cases, taking into account the risks of postoperative complications.


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