Peer review policy

There are two main aims of the peer review: to assist in selecting papers suitable for publication in Biomaterial Investigations in Dentistry and to support the improvement of the manuscripts. We ask the reviewers to assess the quality, validity, and relevance of the manuscript at hand, and to motivate any major criticism conveyed to the authors. Their focus should thus be on the originality, presentation, and relevance to the readership of the journal and on the accuracy of the methodology. More specifically, the reviewers will be asked to rate the paper concerning:

  • Design and quality of data
  • Adequate discussion and conclusion
  • Methodology
  • Importance of the study with respect to new information or valuable confirmation


Guidelines for Reviewers

In your comments to the authors, we would like you to start with some general aspects and a short summary of your comments on the paper. You should not give recommendations on rejection or acceptance, leave that to the Editor. Then give Major comments on the Abstract, Introduction, Methods and Materials, Results, and Discussion. 

Finally, give Minor comments on the manuscript. However, if you consider the manuscript not suitable for publication, even after revision, you do not have to give too detailed comments to the authors. Comments to the Editor explaining your reasons for recommending Revision or Rejection are very welcome and are treated confidentially.

We appreciate it if you could also pay attention to the title of the manuscript, which is very important; it should be informative without being too long. 

Please note that Biomaterial Investigations in Dentistry is working hard trying to minimize the publication time, in which the review process is a crucial factor. We will therefore urge you as reviewer to let us know immediately if you are unable to review a manuscript or try to keep the deadline given in the reviewer request to you. If you struggle to meet the deadline given, please let the editorial office know, so they can inform the author and update the system.

Competing interests

As a reviewer, you are expected to uphold the integrity of the peer review process, and hence a careful consideration of competing interests is important. As competing interests may introduce a perceived or actual bias in the peer review process they can compromise a study at a later stage, even if the study is perfectly valid. Competing interests can be financial or non-financial and they can be of a professional or personal character. They arise in relationship to an organization or another person.

If you believe that you have competing interests, please contact the editor. The editor may ask you to review anyway, or decide to find a different reviewer. In either case, it is important that the editor understands the nature of the competing interests, and can account for them when evaluating reviewer feedback.