About the Journal

Biomaterial Investigations in Dentistry is an open-access journal that serves as a dedicated platform for the dissemination of cutting-edge dental research within the realm of oral biomaterials science.

Our journal's editorial policy is rooted in a global perspective, welcoming contributions from researchers worldwide. We are committed to encompassing all fundamental and clinical dimensions of oral biomaterials science within the context of dentistry.

Accepted article types
We consider a wide array of article types to facilitate the sharing of valuable insights, including:

  • Original articles
  • Review articles
  • Systematic reviews
  • Mini reviews
  • Brief reports
  • Case reports
  • Letters to the editor
  • Editorials
  • Conference proceedings

We encourage researchers to explore and expand the boundaries of knowledge through hypothesis-driven research. In this pursuit, we favour analytical studies over descriptive ones, emphasizing articles that reveal cause-and-effect relationships in experimental studies and explanatory or associative relationships in observational studies.

Review process
Biomaterial Investigations in Dentistry follows a rigorous double-blind peer review policy to ensure the quality and credibility of published work.