Dosage of neuromuscular electrical stimulation: Is it a determinant of upper limb functional improvement in stroke patients?


  • Shu-Shyuan Hsu
  • Ming-Hsia Hu
  • Jer-Junn Luh
  • Yen-Ho Wang
  • Ping-Keung Yip
  • Ching-Lin Hsieh



neuromuscular electrical stimulation, stimulation dosage, stroke, upper extremity function.


Objective: To investigate the predictors related to upper extremity functional recovery, with special emphasis on neuromuscular electrical stimulation dose-response in patients after stroke. Subjects: Ninety-five patients with stroke who received a 4-week neuromuscular electrical stimulation intervention. Design: Prospective predictive analysis. Methods: The change score of the Action Research Arm Test (ARAT) was used as the main outcome. Baseline subject characteristics, stroke-related data, and intervention-related data were collected. Multiple linear regression analysis was applied to identify the potential predictors related to main outcome. Results: The regression model revealed that the initial Fugl-Meyer upper limb score was the most important predictor for ARAT change score post-test, followed by time since stroke onset and location of stroke lesion. At 2-month follow-up, the neuromuscular electrical stimulation dosage became a significant determinant in addition to the above predictors. Conclusion: Initial motor severity and lesion location were the main predictors for upper limb functional improvement in stroke patients. Neuromuscular electrical stimulation dosage became a significant determinant for upper limb functional recovery after stroke at 2-month follow-up. More intensive neuromuscular electrical stimulation therapy during early rehabilitation is associated with better upper limb motor function recovery after stroke.


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How to Cite

Hsu, S.-S., Hu, M.-H., Luh, J.-J., Wang, Y.-H., Yip, P.-K., & Hsieh, C.-L. (2011). Dosage of neuromuscular electrical stimulation: Is it a determinant of upper limb functional improvement in stroke patients?. Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine, 44(2), 125–130.



Original Report