Need for comprehensive management of frailty at an individual level: European perspective from the advantage joint action on frailty


  • Branko Gabrovec
  • Eleftheria Antoniadou
  • Dagmar Soleymani
  • Ewa Kadalska
  • Ana Maria Carriazo
  • Luz López Samaniego
  • Péter Csizmadia
  • Anne Hendry
  • Olatz Albaina Bacaicoa
  • Marjetka Jelenc
  • Špela Selak
  • Demi Patsios
  • Konstantinos Stolakis
  • Manolis Mentis
  • Fotis Papathanasopoulos
  • Elias Panagiotopoulos
  • Leocadia Rodríguez Mañas



frailty, management, prevention, treatment, comprehensive geriatric assessment, ADVANTAGE Joint Action


Objectives: ADVANTAGE Joint Action is a large collaborative project co-founded by the European Commission and its Member States to build a common understanding of frailty for Member States on which to base a common management approach for older people who are frail or at risk of developing frailty. One of the key objectives of the project is presented in this paper; how to manage frailty at the individual level. Methods: A systematic review of the literature was conducted, including grey literature and good practices when possible. Results: The management of frailty should be directed towards comprehensive and holistic treatment in multiple and related fields. Prevention requires a multifaceted approach addressing factors that have resonance across the individual?s life course. Comprehensive geriatric assessment to diagnose the condition and plan a personalized multidomain treatment increases better outcomes. Multicomponent exercise programmes, adequate protein and vitamin D intake, when insufficient, and reduction in polypharmacy and inadequate prescription, are the most effective strategies found in the literature to manage frailty effectively. Conclusion: Frailty can be effectively prevented and managed with a multidomain intervention strategy based on comprehensive geriatric assessment.


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How to Cite

Gabrovec, B., Antoniadou, E., Soleymani, D., Kadalska, E., Maria Carriazo, A., López Samaniego, L., … Rodríguez Mañas, L. (2020). Need for comprehensive management of frailty at an individual level: European perspective from the advantage joint action on frailty. Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine, 52(6), 1–6.



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