Effectiveness of Apremilast in Real Life in Patients with Psoriasis: A Longitudinal Study


  • Giovanna Malara Dermatology Unit, Grande Ospedale Metropolitano “Bianchi-Melacrino-Morelli”, Va Vallone Petrara snc, Reggio Calabria, Italy
  • Cristina Politi
  • Caterina Trifirò
  • Chiara Verduci
  • Graziella D'Arrigo
  • Alessandra Testa
  • Giovanni Tripepi




psoriasis, psoriatic arthritis, apremilast, obesity, retention rate


Apremilast is an oral selective phosphodiesterase-4 inhibitor developed recently for psoriasis treatment. The aim of this study is to assess the real-life outcomes of use of apremilast in patients with psoriasis in everyday clinical practice. A total of 159 adult patients (90 males) with plaque psoriasis were included in the study. Fifty of the patients (31%) had psoriatic arthritis. All patients started apremilast at the time of enrolment. There was a marked improvement in Psoriasis Area and Severity Index, body surface area and Dermatology Life Quality Index scores across the follow-up period (12 months). The improvements in these scores were also consistent when the patients were stratified according to increasing body mass index. Only 10.6% of the patients discontinued apremilast, because of no response. In conclusion, apremilast is an effective and safe treatment in patients with psoriasis, and its effect is not influenced by body mass index.


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How to Cite

Malara, . G., Politi, . C., Trifirò, . C., Verduci, . C., D’Arrigo, G., Testa, A., & Tripepi, G. (2021). Effectiveness of Apremilast in Real Life in Patients with Psoriasis: A Longitudinal Study. Acta Dermato-Venereologica, 101(9), adv00545. https://doi.org/10.2340/00015555-3846