Peer Review Process

Upon submission all manuscripts are reviewed by one of the journal Editors. Some papers may be rejected at this stage as they do not meet basic scientific principles or deal with topics beyond the scope of ActaDV. All other manuscripts will be entered into our peer review system and are sent to at least two reviewers with special expertise in the relevant subject field. ActaDV applies a single-blinded peer review policy, meaning authors are not informed about the identity of the reviewers. When appropriate, the manuscript will also be sent to a special statistical consultant for evaluation.

Based on the feedback from the reviewers, the Editors thereafter decide whether the manuscript should be accepted directly (which in practice is rare), subject to minor or major revision before a final decision can be made, or rejected. The revised manuscript is usually sent to the reviewers again, sometimes including one further reviewer, before a final decision is made (or a decision to ask for further revision).


If accepted, a formal acceptance letter will be sent to the corresponding author.