A Cornflake-like Dermatitis: A Quiz


  • Marwa Thabouti Dermatology Department, Farhat Hached Hospital, Sousse, Tunisia
  • Nadia Ghariani Fetoui Farhat Hached Hospital, Sousse
  • Badreddine Sriha Farhat Hached Hospital, Sousse, Tunisia.
  • Colandane Belajouza Farhat Hached Hospital, Sousse, Tunisia.
  • Mohamed Denguezli Farhat Hached Hospital, Sousse, Tunisia.




Dermatitis Neglecta, Psychodermatology, Facial Dermatitis, factitious disorder


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Author Biographies

Nadia Ghariani Fetoui, Farhat Hached Hospital, Sousse

Dermatology Department, Farhat Hached Hospital, Sousse

Badreddine Sriha, Farhat Hached Hospital, Sousse, Tunisia.

Anatomopathology Department

Colandane Belajouza, Farhat Hached Hospital, Sousse, Tunisia.

Dermatology Department

Mohamed Denguezli, Farhat Hached Hospital, Sousse, Tunisia.

Dermatology Department


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How to Cite

Thabouti, M., Ghariani Fetoui, N., Sriha, B., Belajouza, C., & Denguezli, M. (2023). A Cornflake-like Dermatitis: A Quiz. Acta Dermato-Venereologica, 103, adv00894. https://doi.org/10.2340/actadv.v103.6515