Treatment with a Barrier-strengthening Moisturizer Prevents Relapse of Hand-eczema. An Open, Randomized, Prospective, Parallel Group Study


  • Marie Lodén
  • Karin Wirén
  • Knut Smerud
  • Nils Meland
  • Helge Hønnås
  • Gro Mørk
  • Claus Lützow-Holm
  • Jörgen Funk
  • Birgitta Meding



long-term management/treatment, maintenance treatment, urea, emollients, skin barrier function, topical corticosteroids, disease-control, prevention, randomized clinical trial.


Hand eczema influences the quality of life. Management strategies include the use of moisturizers. In the present study the time to relapse of eczema during treatment with a barrier-strengthening moisturizer (5% urea) was compared with no treatment (no medical or non-medicated preparations) in 53 randomized patients with successfully treated hand eczema. The median time to relapse was 20 days in the moisturizer group compared with 2 days in the no treatment group (p = 0.04). Eczema relapsed in 90% of the patients within 26 weeks. No difference in severity was noted between the groups at relapse. Dermatology Life Quality Index (DLQI) increased significantly in both groups; from 4.7 to 7.1 in the moisturizer group and from 4.1 to 7.8 in the no treatment group (p < 0.01) at the time of relapse. Hence, the application of moistur­izers seems to prolong the disease-free interval in patients with controlled hand eczema. Whether the data is applic­able to moisturizers without barrier-strengthening properties remains to be elucidated.


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How to Cite

Lodén, M., Wirén, K., Smerud, K., Meland, N., Hønnås, H., Mørk, G., … Meding, B. (2010). Treatment with a Barrier-strengthening Moisturizer Prevents Relapse of Hand-eczema. An Open, Randomized, Prospective, Parallel Group Study. Acta Dermato-Venereologica, 90(6), 602–606.


