Effect of a comprehensive eRehabilitation intervention alongside conventional stroke rehabilitation on disability and health-related quality of life: A pre?post comparison


  • Berber Brouns
  • Leti van Bodegom-Vos
  • Arend J. de Kloet
  • Sietske J. Tamminga
  • Gerard Volker
  • Monique A.M. Berger
  • Marta Fiocco
  • Paulien H. Goossens
  • Thea P. M. Vliet Vlieland
  • Jorit J. L. Meesters




eHealth, stroke, rehabilitation, comprehensive healthcare, patient-reported outcome measures, telerehabilitation, Stroke Impact Scale, eRehabilitation


Objective: To compare the effect on disability and quality of life, of conventional rehabilitation (control group) with individualized, tailored eRehabilitation intervention alongside conventional rehabilitation (Fast@home; intervention group), for people with stroke. Methods: Pre?post design. The intervention comprised cognitive (Braingymmer?) and physical (Telerevalidatie?/Physitrack?) exercises, activity-tracking (Activ8?) and psycho-education. Assessments were made at admission (T0) and after 3 (T3) and 6 months (T6). The primary outcome concerned disability (Stroke Impact Scale; SIS). Secondary outcomes were: health-related quality of life, fatigue, self-management, participation and physical activity. Changes in scores between T0?T3, T3?T6, and T0?T6 were compared by analysis of variance and linear mixed models. Results: The study included 153 and 165 people with stroke in the control and intervention groups, respectively. In the intervention group, 82 (50%) people received the intervention, of whom 54 (66%) used it. Between T3 and T6, the change in scores for the SIS subscales Communication (control group/intervention group ?1.7/?0.3) and Physical strength (?5.7/3.3) were significantly greater in the total intervention group (all mean differences<?minimally clinically important differences). No significant differences were found for other SIS subscales or secondary outcomes, or between T0?T3 and T0?T6. Conclusion: eRehabilitation alongside conventional stroke rehabilitation had a small positive effect on communication and physical strength on the longer term, compared to conventional rehabilitation only.


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How to Cite

Brouns, B., van Bodegom-Vos, L., J. de Kloet, A., J. Tamminga, S., Volker, G., A.M. Berger, M., … J. L. Meesters, J. (2021). Effect of a comprehensive eRehabilitation intervention alongside conventional stroke rehabilitation on disability and health-related quality of life: A pre?post comparison. Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine, 53(3), 1–10. https://doi.org/10.2340/16501977-2785



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