Comparison of the structural validity of three Balance Evaluation Systems Test in older adults with femoral or vertebral fracture


  • Kazuhiro Miyata
  • Satoshi Hasegawa
  • Hiroki Iwamoto
  • Tomohiro Otani
  • Yoichi Kaizu
  • Tomoyuki Shinohara
  • Shigeru Usuda



validity, femoral fracture, vertebral fracture, BESTest.


Objective: To clarify and compare the structural validity of 3 Balance Evaluation Systems Tests (BESTest, Mini-BESTest, and Brief-BESTest) in older adults with femoral or vertebral fractures. Design: Cross-sectional study. Subjects: Ninety-four older adults (age ?65 years) with femoral or vertebral fractures, who could walk without physical assistance. Methods: Four BESTest models (BESTest, one-factor Mini-BESTest, four-factor Mini-BESTest, and Brief-BESTest) were examined using confirmatory factor analysis, and the models? goodness-of-fit was assessed. Unidimensionality of the best-fitting model was confirmed by Rasch principal component analysis on the residuals. Results: Confirmatory factor analysis showed that the four-factor Mini-BESTest model (comparative fit index?=?0.952; Tucker-Lewis index?=?0.937; root-mean square error of approximation?=?0.060; standardized root-mean-square residual?=?0.062) has a better structure than other models. The principal component analysis of standardized residuals showed that the variance attributable to Rasch factor was good, with eigenvalues <?2, confirming the factor?s unidimensionality. Conclusion: The four-factor Mini-BESTest model shows good structural validity in older adults with femoral or vertebral fracture. Evaluating dynamic balance by focusing on 4 components (anticipatory postural adjustments, postural responses, sensory orientation, and stability in gait) may help therapists in making clinical decisions.


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How to Cite

Miyata, K., Hasegawa, S., Iwamoto, H., Otani, T., Kaizu, Y., Shinohara, T., & Usuda, S. (2020). Comparison of the structural validity of three Balance Evaluation Systems Test in older adults with femoral or vertebral fracture. Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine, 52(7), 1–8.



Original Report