Pruritic Erythematous Macules in a Patient with Systemic Sarcoidosis: A Quiz


  • Astrid Herzum
  • Mattia Fabio Molle
  • Emanuele C. Cozzani Section of Dermatology, Department of Health Sciences (Di.S.Sal.), University of Genoa, IT-16132 Genoa, Italy
  • Martina Burlando
  • Pietro Paolo Tavilla
  • Claudia Micalizzi
  • Ilaria Trave
  • Aurora Parodi



tinea, tinea incognita, sarcoidosis, dermatophytosis, Candida, Fusarium


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How to Cite

Herzum, A., Molle, M. F., Cozzani, E. C., Burlando, M., Tavilla, . P. P., Micalizzi, C., … Parodi, A. (2021). Pruritic Erythematous Macules in a Patient with Systemic Sarcoidosis: A Quiz. Acta Dermato-Venereologica, 101(8), adv00531.