the Veno-Arteriolar Reflex in Venous Leg Ulcer Patients Studied by Laser Doppler Imaging.


  • C Svedman
  • GW Cherry
  • TJ. Ryan



Posture-induced microcirculatory changes in the lower leg were studied in venous leg ulcer patients and in control subjects by means of laser Doppler imaging (LDI);a technique which allows almost real-time mapping of the perfusion from a distance;each perfusion value constituting the mean of a number of measurements at separate sites. LDI values for intact skin with the subject supine were 0.39 (0.32;0.47) V [geometric mean (gm -SD;gm +SD)] and 0.32 (0.15;0.70) V in two age groups of controls and 0.91 (0.66;1.24) V in patients (NS). Values were 2.04 (1.25;3.35) V for skin at the ulcer margin;and 1.44 (0.72;2.88) V in the ulcer proper. With the lower leg passively dependent;lower LDI values were obtained at all sites in all groups;the reduction in intact skin value being 62 +/- 11% (arithmetic mean +/- SD) (p < 0.01) in the younger controls;43 +/- 24% (p < 0.01) in the older controls and 62 +/- 19% (p < 0.001) in the patient group;and the reduction in ulcer values being 45 +/- 27% (p < 0.05) for the margin and 52 +/- 23% (p < 0.001) for the ulcer proper. Thus;a high degree of postural vasoconstriction was present overall;even in the ulcer itself. Vasomotor tone in the skin of the lower leg was assessed by topical application of methyl nicotinate;a vasodilator. The skin perfusion value (supine position;no stimulus) was 71 +/- 31% (p < 0.01) of the drug-induced (assumed peak) hyperaemia value [0.60 (0.30;1.10) V] in patients and 24 +/- 25% (p < 0.001) of the hyperaemia value (1.30 (0.64;2.62) V] in the controls. It would appear that in


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How to Cite

Svedman, C., Cherry, G., & Ryan, T. (1998). the Veno-Arteriolar Reflex in Venous Leg Ulcer Patients Studied by Laser Doppler Imaging. Acta Dermato-Venereologica, 78(4), 258–261.


