Short-term Effect and Acceptability of Manual Lymphatic Drainage for Paediatric Limb Lymphoedema: A Prospective Study


  • Chakib El Habnouni
  • Valérie Tauveron
  • Sophie Leducq
  • Stéfania Gérémia
  • Pierre Allain
  • Hortense Touchard
  • Sophie-Anne Benejean
  • Laurent Machet
  • Annabel Maruani



lymphoedema, children, ultrasound, lymphatic drainage, physiotherapy, cutaneous oedema


Paediatric lymphoedema (LE) is a rare condition, for which there is little data available regarding treatments. The aim of this study was to assess the short-term effect and acceptability of a 30-min session of manual lymphatic drainage (MLD) in children with well-documented LE of the lower limbs. Fifteen children were included (8 males; median age 11 years). Comparison of the sum of circumference values for the whole limb before and after MLD revealed a slight, but significant, reduction (from a median of 289.8 to 285.5 cm, p?=?0.024), but the limb volumes did not decrease significantly (from a median of 4,870.3 to 4,772.3 ml, p?=?0.394). Dermal thickness, measured by high-resolution ultrasound, decreased from 1.44 to 1.40 mm (p?<?0.001). All children reported improvement in well-being, and found MLD useful. In conclusion, MLD is well accepted by children, but has poor impact on LE swelling. However, it decreases cutaneous oedema by mobilizing the lymph fluid.


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How to Cite

El Habnouni, C., Tauveron, V., Leducq, S., Gérémia, S., Allain, P., Touchard, H., … Maruani, A. (2020). Short-term Effect and Acceptability of Manual Lymphatic Drainage for Paediatric Limb Lymphoedema: A Prospective Study. Acta Dermato-Venereologica, 100(8), 1–5.


