Chronic Pruritus of Unknown Origin: Clinical Profile and Disease-Related Burden


  • Manuel P. Pereira Department of Dermatology and Center for Chronic Pruritus, University Hospital Münster, Von- Esmarch-Str. 58, DE-48149 Münster, Germany
  • Alexandra Farcas
  • Claudia Zeidler
  • Sonja Ständer



chronic pruritus of unknown origin, itch, prurigo nodularis, visual analogue scale, quality of life, ItchyQol


Chronic pruritus of unknown origin is established when no underlying origin for pruritus can be determined. This retrospective cohort study aimed to determine the clinical profile and disease-related burden of chronic pruritus of unknown origin. A total of 263 patients (female/male: 154/109, median age 55 years) were included. Moderate to severe itch intensities were recorded (median average itch: 5.5/10, n = 200; median worst itch: 7.5/10, n = 199). In most cases pruritus lasted longer than 1 year (77.6%), occurred daily (68.2%), occurred in attacks (72.8%), and was often accompanied by dysaesthesias, such as burning, tingling and stinging. Quality of life was moderately impaired, while 22.2% and 12.4% of patients showed pathological anxiety and depression scores. Scratch lesions were associated with higher intensities of itch and greater impairment of quality of life, while women were more burdened by the disease than men. Chronic pruritus of unknown origin may occur at any age and the majority of patients endure severe itch with substantial disease-related burden.


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How to Cite

Pereira, M. P., Farcas, A., Zeidler, C., & Ständer, S. (2021). Chronic Pruritus of Unknown Origin: Clinical Profile and Disease-Related Burden. Acta Dermato-Venereologica, 101(9).


