A Qualitative Exploration of the Impact, Management, and Existing Psychological Support Available for Adults Living with Skin Conditions
psychodermatology, qualitative research, self managementAbstract
Skin conditions carry a significant physical, psychological, and social burden. People with skin conditions often engage in health-threatening behaviours that can worsen symptoms and increase cardiovascular disease risk. However, access to dedicated psychological and behaviour-change support is limited. The impact, management, and existing psychological support available to adults living with skin conditions was qualitatively explored to inform the development of a psychologically supportive digital intervention. Qualitative research involving a hybrid inductive– deductive approach was performed. Data collection and analysis were theoretically informed by the Common-Sense Model of Self-Regulation. Eight synchronous online group interviews with 43 English-speaking adults (≥ 18 years) with a range of skin conditions were conducted. Data were analysed using Reflexive Thematic Analysis. Three superordinate themes are outlined: (i) visibility underpinning life course impairment, (ii) seeking control amid uncertainty, and (iii) existing support for people with skin conditions. Skin conditions carry a substantial psychological burden, yet dermatology service provision is sub-optimal and patients often resort to seeking support from unreliable sources. Psychological support can have benefits, but barriers exist. This study reinforces the need for high-quality psychological support, and that patients wanted digital means to support effective self- management.
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