Ulcerated Lichen Planus after Adjuvant Use of Programmed Cell Death-1-Inhibitor: A Case Report and Systematic Review of the Literature


  • Anne-Charlotte Niesert Department of Dermatology and Allergy, University Hospital, LMU Munich, DE-80337 Munich, Germany
  • Anne Guertler
  • Olga Schutti
  • Laura Engels
  • Michael Flaig
  • Lars E. French
  • Max Schlaak
  • Markus Reinholz




lichen planus, melanoma, pembrolizumab, immune-related adverse event, anti-PD-1, anti-PD-L1


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How to Cite

Niesert, A.-C., Guertler, A., Schutti, O., Engels, L., Flaig, M., French, L. E., … Reinholz, M. (2021). Ulcerated Lichen Planus after Adjuvant Use of Programmed Cell Death-1-Inhibitor: A Case Report and Systematic Review of the Literature. Acta Dermato-Venereologica, 101(6), adv00472. https://doi.org/10.2340/00015555-3840



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