Newsletter June 2021


  • Anna-Maria Andersson


Editor's Choice:
Choice of Systemic Drugs for the Management of Moderate-to-severe Psoriasis: A Cross-country Comparison Based on National Health Insurance Data
Emilie Sbidian, Myriam Mezzarobba, Jason Shourick, Cécile Billionnet, Joël Coste, Alain Weill, Jérémie Rudant, Olivier
Chosidow, Loes Hollestein, Tamar Nijsten

Further highlights of June:
Patients with Darier Disease Exhibit Cognitive Impairment while Patients with Hailey-Hailey Disease Do Not: An Experimental, Matched Case-control Study.
Philip Curman, Johanna Bern, Linnea Sand, Martin Cederlöf, Etty Bachar-Wikstrom, Jakob D. Wikström

Patients’ Perception of Vitiligo Severity. 
Nanja van Geel, Charlotte Moock, Marloes Zuidgeest, Sanne Elisabeth Uitentuis, Albert Wolkerstorfer, Reinhart Speeckaert

Patient and Tumour Characteristics of Keratoacanthoma in a Large, Community-based Cohort Study from Queensland, Australia.
Agnes Kolmodin, Nirmala P. Pandeya, Catherine M. Olsen, Jean Claude Dusingize, David C. Whiteman, Magdalena Claeson

Visual Impact of Large and Giant Congenital Naevi: Comparison of Surgical Scars with Naevi Before Surgery.
Francesca Sampogna, Melinda González, Mirella Pascini-Garrigós, Neus Calbet-Llopart, Jennifer L. Hay, Bruce S. Bauer, Susana Puig, Josep Malvehy, Ashfaq A. Marghoob, Cristina Carrera

Locoregional Treatments for Digital Ulcers in Systemic Sclerosis: A Systematic Review.
Ingrid Costedoat, Maeva Masson, Thomas Barnetche, Pierre Duffau, Estibaliz Lazaro, Christophe Richez, Julien Seneschal, Marie-Elise Truchetet

Transient Increase in Circulating Basophils and Eosinophils in Dupilumab-associated Conjunctivitis in Patients with Atopic Dermatitis.
Michie Katsuta, Yozo Ishiuji, Hiroyuki Matsuzaki, Ken-ichi Yasuda, Budiman Kharma, Yoshimasa Nobeyama, Takaaki Hayashi, Yoshiki Tokura, Akihiko Asahina



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How to Cite

Andersson, A.-M. (2021). Newsletter June 2021. Acta Dermato-Venereologica, 101(6). Retrieved from



