An improved quantitative method for the study of fibrinolysis in the skin as exemplified in patients with leukocytoclastic vasculitis and erysipelas


  • H. Hammar
  • M. Blombäck
  • B. Sverdrup
  • E. Borglund



The activity of plasminogen activator has been measured in tissue sections with the aid of a modified Todd technique. Frozen skin biopsies were sectioned and the tissue covered with fibrin-plasminogen film. After incubation at 37 degrees C fibrinolysis was studied for a period of 30 min and was graded into six exponentially increasing steps. During this period, grades were linear with the llogarithm of time of incubation. The rate of fibrinolysis is a measure of the activity of the plasminogen activator and is expressed by the slope of the linear regression of grades versus the ogarithm of time; the value of the slope is proportional to the common logarithm of the activity of the plasminogen activator present in the section. Using urokinase as a specific plasminogen activator, the same linear expression was shown with time, indicating the validity of our grading and experimental system. Eleven healthy subjects served as controls to 6 patients with leukocytoclastic vasculitis and 4 patients with erysipelas and 4 with necrotizing fascilitis. The controls showed values similar to the non-involved skin in the patients. The activity was higher in the arm than in the thigh sites. The activity in the thighs was lower in women than in men. A decrease in the plasminogen activator activity was found in the three disorders.


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How to Cite

Hammar, H., Blombäck, M., Sverdrup, B., & Borglund, E. (1980). An improved quantitative method for the study of fibrinolysis in the skin as exemplified in patients with leukocytoclastic vasculitis and erysipelas. Acta Dermato-Venereologica, 60(4), 287–293.


