Local Hyperthermia Versus Cryotherapy for Treatment of Plantar Warts: A Prospective Multi-centre Non-randomized Concurrent Controlled Clinical Trial


  • Wei Huo
  • Ya-Li Gao
  • Hong-Yi Wang
  • Gui-Jiao Bi
  • Shuai Qiao
  • Yun-Fei Cai
  • Rui-Qun Qi
  • Yang Yang
  • Jing Lan
  • Zhi-Rong Yao
  • Xiu-Ping Han
  • Jian-Zhong Zhang
  • Tian-Wen Gao
  • Sen Yang
  • Heng Gu
  • Ri-Na Wu
  • Hong-Guang Lu
  • Fan-Qin Zeng
  • Xiang Chen
  • YouLin Qiao
  • Xing-Hua Gao Department of Dermatology, the FirstHospital of China Medical University, Shenyang, Liaoning, China




local hyperthermia, cryotherapy, warts, clinical trial


Cryotherapy is one of the most common treatments for warts; however, pain during treatment and relatively high recurrence rates limit its use. Local hyperthermia has also been used successfully in the treatment of plantar warts. The aim of this study was to compare the clinical effectiveness of local hyperthermia vs cryotherapy for the treatment of plantar warts. This multi- centre, open, 2-arm, non-randomized concurrent controlled trial included 1,027 patients, who received either cryotherapy or local hyperthermia treatment. Three months after treatment, local hyperthermia and cryotherapy achieved complete clearance rates of 50.9% and 54.3%, respectively. Recurrence rates were 0.8% and 12%, respectively. Pain scores during local hyperthermia were significantly lower than for cryotherapy. Both local hyperthermia and cryotherapy demonstrated similar efficacy for clearance of plantar warts; while local hyperthermia had a lower recurrence rate and lower pain sensation during treatment.


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How to Cite

Huo, W., Gao, Y.-L., Wang, H.-Y., Bi, G.-J., Qiao, S., Cai, Y.-F., … Gao, X.-H. (2022). Local Hyperthermia Versus Cryotherapy for Treatment of Plantar Warts: A Prospective Multi-centre Non-randomized Concurrent Controlled Clinical Trial. Acta Dermato-Venereologica, 102, adv00655. https://doi.org/10.2340/actadv.v102.1082