Late-onset Cutaneous Hydrophilic Polymer Embolism: A Case Occurring Two Years after Endovascular Procedures


  • Yukino Kase
  • Ryota Hayashi Department of Dermatology, Niigata University Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences, 951-8510 Niigata, Japan
  • Izumi Takei
  • Osamu Ansai
  • Takeo Suzuki
  • Akihiko Yuki
  • Mitsuhiro Watanabe
  • Takao Yanagawa
  • Riichiro Abe



hydrophilic polymer embolism, late-onset, skin ulcer, Blue toe syndrome, cholesterol embolism


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How to Cite

Kase, Y., Hayashi, R., Takei, I., Ansai, O., Suzuki, T., Yuki, A., … Abe, R. (2021). Late-onset Cutaneous Hydrophilic Polymer Embolism: A Case Occurring Two Years after Endovascular Procedures. Acta Dermato-Venereologica, 101(7), adv00511.



Short Communication
