Efficacy of Systemic Treatment for Leishmania tropica Cutaneous Leishmaniasis


  • Michal Solomon Michal Solomon, Department of Dermatology, The Chaim Sheba Medical Center, IL-52621 Tel Hashomer, Israel
  • Shoshana Greenberger
  • Maya Milner
  • Felix Pavlotzky
  • Aviv Barzilai
  • Eli Schwartz
  • Noa Hadayer
  • Sharon Baum




Leishmania tropica, liposomal amphotericin B, L-AmB, sodium stibogluconate, cutaneous leishmaniasis, systemic treatment


The effectiveness of systemic treatment for Leishmania tropica cutaneous leishmaniasis remains unclear. The purpose of the study is to evaluate the efficacy and safety of systemic treatments for L. tropica cutaneous leishmaniasis. This retrospective study was performed in 114 patients. Systemic treatments included liposomal amphotericin B and sodium stibogluconate. All patients underwent systemic treatment for L. tropica cutaneous leishmaniasis. Favourable treatment responses were recorded in 72.5% and 70.2% of the patients in the liposomal amphotericin B and sodium stibogluconate groups, respectively; 25.3% and 46% of those in the liposomal amphotericin B and sodium stibogluconate groups respectively, experienced at least one adverse effect. Lesions in cartilaginous areas were associated with higher treatment failure. Prior topical or systemic treatment increased the chance of future systemic treatment success. Liposomal amphotericin B was associated with a shorter intravenous treatment duration and better safety profile. Thus, liposomal amphotericin B is the treatment of choice for L. tropica cutaneous leishmaniasis.


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How to Cite

Solomon, M., Greenberger, S., Milner, M., Pavlotzky, F., Barzilai, A., Schwartz, E., … Baum, S. (2022). Efficacy of Systemic Treatment for Leishmania tropica Cutaneous Leishmaniasis. Acta Dermato-Venereologica, 102, adv00721. https://doi.org/10.2340/actadv.v102.2079