“I Feel I’m in Best Hands with You!”: A Survey of Patient Satisfac­tion in a German University Skin Cancer Centre


  • Theresa Steeb
  • Anja Wessely
  • Heike Merkl
  • Michael C. Kirchberger
  • Caroline Voskens
  • Michael Erdmann
  • Lucie Heinzerling
  • Carola Berking
  • Markus V. Heppt Department of Dermatology, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg, DE-91054 Erlangen, Germany




patient satisfaction, quality improvement, cross-sectional study, quality of care, skin cancer, melanoma


An important measure of hospital quality is the satisfaction of patients. The aim of this cross-sectional study, performed in the dermato-oncology unit of the university hospital in Erlangen, Germany, was to assess skin cancer patients’ degree of satisfaction with healthcare services. Self-administered questionnaires on patient satisfaction regarding contact with staff, need for information, and recommendation of the skin cancer centre were distributed in the day-care unit and the outpatient department to patients between April and June 2017. Results were reported descriptively and subgroup differences were explored using the Mann–Whitney U test, binary logistic regression, or χ2 test. Overall, 496 of 571 questionnaires were returned (86.9%). The median of all satisfaction items ranged between 1 (very good) and 2 (good). The majority of patients wanted more detailed information about skin cancer (46.7%, 142/304). Long waiting times were often criticized (22.8%; 80/351). Particular attention in addressing specific needs and fears may further increase patient satisfaction.


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How to Cite

Steeb, . T., Wessely, A., Merkl, H., Kirchberger, M. C., Voskens, C., Erdmann, M., … Heppt, M. V. (2021). “I Feel I’m in Best Hands with You!”: A Survey of Patient Satisfac­tion in a German University Skin Cancer Centre. Acta Dermato-Venereologica, 101(6), adv00482. https://doi.org/10.2340/00015555-3837